Saturday, November 22, 2008

a tag!

i really don't remember if i have done this one in the past... and considering the fact that i dnt remember, i don't really expect too many to remember either. anyway, with due respect to changing times, the answers have also changed... i am sure... but on a saturday night, having nothing better to do, i decided to give in to the "demands" of riya, fellow tlogger, who is rather nicely keeping me company online!

1.Single or Taken: taken.
2.Age: 22
3.Birthday: july 17, 1986
4.Hair: Black
5.Eye colour: Black
6.Shoe size: 5 sometimes even 6 judging by indian standard shoe size... which is obviously standardised by bata. though i don't know how this question makes sense... will any1 buy me new shoes?

Full name: sreejita biswas

1.Did you send this to your crush? no. why would i do that!?
2.Did your crush send this to you? riya is my crush. yes. she is smart, funny, dresses well, is tall... fits the criteria. and also, im a norwegian pony. and for ppl a bit on the slower side, no, my crush did not send me this!

**o n S t u f f**

1.Where is your favourite place to shop: starmark. i tend to get more excited about buying books and stationary.
2.Any tatoos?: yes
3.Do u do drugs?: does weed count?
4.What are you listening to right now?: "under pressure"- queen
5.What car do you wish to have? a big black scorpio... or any other nice suv
6.Where do you want to get married? how does this matter in this tag?


1.Color: blue, black, red, white.
2.Subjects in college: english. mostly.
3.Music: psychedelic rock

1.Given anyone a bath? yes. my baby cousins, my cats... thats enough.
2.Bungee jumped: no.
3.Broken the law: define "law"
4.Ever been in love: yes. tohtally. still am...
5.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: y would i?

*F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s **

1.How many people are you sending this to? ppl who read tlog
2.What is the last film you saw at the theatre? the dark knight...