Saturday, April 26, 2008

off pooja's facebook notes!

1. Slept in a bed beside you: tartar, does that count?
2. Saw you cry: my grandmom n my mom!
3. Went to the movies with you: ady
4. You went to the mall with: riya
5. You went to dinner with: momo.. i think
6. You talked to on the phone: varun
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: varun :)
8. Broke your heart: varun!!
9. Made you laugh: pooja

1. Pierce your nose or tongue: nose
2. Be serious or be funny: funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk: either.. i love milk!
4. Die in a fire or drown: drown, im terrified of fire!
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies: parents

1. Simple or complicated: confused!

1. Flowers or candy: candy
2. Grey or black: black
3. Color or Black and white photos: black and white.
4. Lust or love: LOOOOVVVVVEEEE!!! (and a bit of lust!)
5. Sunrise or sunset: sunset, i never wake up to see a sunrise
6. M&Ms or Skittles: m&ms
8. Staying up late or waking up early: im a nocturnal creature

1. Do you like anyone: yes! duh!
2. Do they know it: yes he does!

1. Sun or moon: moon
2. Winter or Autumn: autumn
3. Left or right? why?
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends: two best friends
5. Sun or rain: rain! any given day!
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: chocolate
7. Vodka or Jack: as of now, vodka.

1. What time is it: 8:57 pm
2. Name: sreejita
3. Nickname(s): solo, bubs, sree, jay...
4. Where were you born: calcutta
5. What is your birthdate: 17.07.1986
6. What do you want: right now, a miarcle diet that will make me lose weight in 3 days flat!
7. Where do you want to live: somewhere where i can make a lot of money and have a lot of fun and be with varun!
8. How many kids do you want: am i supposed to know that now?
9. What would you want to name a girl: er... i dunno
10. What would you want to name a boy: i dunno this either
11. You want to get married: yes of course! ASAP!

1. Nervous Habits: chewing on my fingernails... not chewin em off, bt jus chewin!
2. Are you double jointed: arent we all?
3. Can you roll your tongue? so far, ya!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? yes i cann!!
5. Can you cross your eyes: oh yes! freaks lill kids out!
6. Do you make your bed daily: sometimes.
7. Which shoe goes on first: used to be the right one, bt aftr the lovely accident, its the left!
8. Ever thrown one at someone: hit ppl with it and ya also thrown em at ppl
9. On the average, how much money do you carry on you: nothin less than a hundred rupees
10. What jewellery do you wear: rings and earrings

1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: dunno... havnt had spaghetti in a long time now.
2. Have you ever eaten Spam: na
3. Favorite ice cream: butterscotch and cholate and mint
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet: none. i m throwin all temptations into the bin!
5. What's your favorite beverage: pina colada and pepsi and a few more here and there!
7. Do you cook: only for special occasions

1. Had a b/f or g/f: yes
2. Bought something you didn't need: yes, i keep doin that all the time
4. Sang in front of people : indu and tooksie
6. Been hugged: yes!
7. Felt stupid: not really. with all the ppl i have to interact with, i dun get the chance to. im busy digestin their stupidity!
9. Got drunk: no... did drink, bt didnt get drunk
10. Got high: oh yes i did! marijuana rocks!
11. Danced Crazy: i had a broken foot!
12. Gotten your hair cut: no, i plan to tomorrow!
13. Cried: yes
14. Lied: i guess... nothin very important though

Sunday, April 20, 2008


1. Name: sreejita/ solo
2. Middle Names:
3. Province/State: west bengal
4. Place of Birth: kolkata
5. Zodiac Sign: cancer
6. Male or Female: female
7. Bus most commonly taken: jadavpur airport and 45a
8. School: modern high school for girls
9. Occupation: student, freelance journalist
10. Initials: sb
11. Screen Name: solo/ maverick

-Your Appearance-
12. Hair Color: black
13. Hair Length: long
14. Eye color: dark brown
15. Best Feature: eyes, lips
16. Height: 5ft 6inches
17. Braces: ya, wen i was a kid
18. Glasses: yes, thick geeky frame! :P
19. Age: 21
20. Diploma: in good looks! definitely!

-Your 'Firsts'-
22. First best friend: amrita biswas
23. First Award: i dun remember. had something to do with spellings if i'm not mistaken.
24. First Sport You Joined: swimming
25. First thing you did today: brushed and took a crap!
26. First Real vacation: its all hushed up! can't afford my parents findin out! :P
27. First thing you said when you were a baby: pa and kaak
28. First Love: dun wanna take his name, but true love: varun

- Favorites-
29. Movie: currently, juno
30. TV Show: will and grace
32. Artist: ansel adams
33. Place to shop: new market, west side, mumbai
34. Food: biriyani!
35. Season: monsoon
36. Candy: gummy bears
37. Sport: swimming, basketball, sleeping, sex
38. Restaurant: tung fong, one step up, mocambo, floriana, peter cat and touche (in pune)
39. Favorite Clothing: lingerie
40. Store: landmark
41. School Subject: english, geography
42. Animal: cats, dogs... well, as long as they aren't reptiles, i'll love em
43. Book: lots.
44. Magazine: about to launch it :D

45. Doing before you started this survey: smoking up
47. Single or Taken: very much taken
48. Crying about: varun being a heartless git!
49. Eating: cookies
50. Drinking: grape juice
53. Listening To: annie lennox
54. Thinking About: nothing.
55. Wanting: peace of mind
56. Watching: the monitor

57. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?: working my ass off, for MY magazine, married to varun.
58. Kids?: maybe
59. Want to be Married: yes
60. Careers in Mind: journalism and owning a magazine.

-Which is Better with the Opposite/Same sex-
63. Hair color: black
64. Hair length: short
66. Personality or Looks: both :|
67. Cute or sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: tall
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneously romantic!
73. Good or Bad: a bit of both
74. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
76. Harley or Car: a convertible
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: neither

-Have you ever-
78. Kissed a stranger: no
79. Smoked: yes
80. Streaked: no
81. Ran Away From Home: wanted to, even packed my bags a few times!
82. Broken a bone: oh yes!
83. Got an X-ray: yes, lotsa times!
84. Got a broken bone: yes.. i wasnt lying when i answered no. 82!
85. Broke Someones Heart: yes
86. Dumped someone: yes
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes
88. Cried At School: yes!!

-Do You Believe In-
89. God: in a way
90. Miracles: when they happen
91. Love at First sight: no
92. Ghosts: umm...
93. Aliens: YES!
94. Soul Mates: no
95. Heaven: no
96. Hell: yes, sounds like a fun place
98. Kissing on The First Date: depends
99. Horoscopes: i only believe in what my tarot cards have to say!

-Answer Truthfully-
100. Is there someone you're thinking about right now? YES!

Friday, April 18, 2008

the name game!

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.

And remember - you CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: solo

. Famous Artist/Band/Musician: simon and garfunkel, shakira (sigh... drool)

. A song/piece: signs of life-pink floyd

. 4 letter word: suck (heh heh heh!)

. Color: sapphire (best i cud cum up with!)

. Gifts/present: scrunchie, scalpel, skittles, soap, shampoo, silk lingerie!

. Vehicle: sports utility vehicle (my favourites!)

. Animal: squirrel

. TV Show: south park (yayyy)

. Location: shanghai

. Boy Name: sahil

. Girl Name: sheila

. Drink: sangria

. Occupation: serial killer, scientist, singer...

. Sport: skiing

. Flower: sunflower

. Celebrity: SHAH RUKH KHAN! (droooooool, drooooool, droooooooooool!)

. Food: sandwich

. Something found in a kitchen: stove

. Reason for Being Late: slipped on a banana peel!

. Cartoon Character: shaggy (from scooby doo)

. Something You Shout: saala harami!

. Store: shopper's stop

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


this was sent to me as an e-mail tag by sohini! i just could not resist posting my "views" here as well!

Four Jobs that I have had
1.student reporter at TTIS
2. copywriter at metaorphosis
3. freelance reporter at the times of india
4. content writer on a website

Four Movies I've watched More Than Once:
1. trainspotting
2. goopy gayne bagha bayne
3. golmaal (the one with amol palekar in it)
4. mary poppins

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. kolkata
2. pune
4.hopefully delhi in the next few years!

Four TV Shows That I Watch:
1.will and grace
2.chris ange's mindfreak
3.american idol

Four Places I Have Been:
3.murud janjira (in maharashtra)

People Who E-mail Me Regularly:
1. sohini
2. robin
3. deep
4. facebook/ orkut/ blogspot...

My Favorite Places To Eat
1. baari!
2. tung fong (for the sake of WONDERFUL memories)
3. one step up
4. arsalan

Where I Rather be Right Now: (not in any order)
1. varun's place
2. sohini's place
3. on a nice sea beach
4. on a high!

Four friends I think will Respond;
1. riya
2. agniva
3. varun
4. deep

Things I Am Looking Forward To This Year: (2008)
1. graduating!!!
2. working
3. going on a break with varun (FINALLY!)
4. starting work on my baby, my magazine

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


ten things you wish you could say to people right now (don't take names):

i write about the top 10 mean things i wanna say, cuz i know, me and my soft heart too well..these shall remain typed out on tlog and will fail to travel from my mouth to those who deserve them!

10. seriously, when people hang up on you rudely, you are supposed to take the hint and not call back! the same goes for all those whose phones/sms'/emails, etc go unanswered regularly.

9. you realize you are a wannabe...don't you? i mean for fuck's sake you act like different ppl to fit into different groups! it's sad, cuz none of your "friends" are wannabes... you are sad!

8. responsibilities are undertaken to be fulfilled! no matter how careless or lazy or dopey i am, i do all that i volunteer to do, even if i detest the idea 5 steps into it. so what's your problem?

7. he doesn't love you. AT ALL! so stop moping. really... he humps everything with a hole and a pretty don't really feature on the list!

6. for heaven's sake stop tellin me i'm the one who doesn't talk. fights don't really happen as a one sided deal! you fought too and now, if you blame me for my silence (which has been my natural reaction to fights since 1986) please take a hike out of my life. i really don't need to explain it to you!

5. STOP tellin everyone how well you know me...really, you DON'T! you think i would've let someone as stupid as you know me!? ok, let stupid go by, not all are blessed, but aren't really a great human being either. i shall not waste my breath anymore trying to explain to you that you can't know me! i will not allow you to! so, stop pretending!

4. you are not talented. no matter what you think, you are not. so stop making a fool out of yourself. even your fuckin best friend laughs at you the minute your back is turned. have some respect!

3. i don't care. frankly sweetie, your love life, your attention grabbing, oh so (not) funny tales of your past and your sad whimpers don't interest me. seriously, stop thinking i'm your friend. i'm not. my favourite pastime is bitching about you. hell, i blast you with sarcasm when you are around me anyway, don't you ever take a hint!?

2. you are not my friend. no, you cannot hang out with me and my best friends either. its me and them. you do not feature.

1. fuck off. don't ever come back. yes, get pissed... thats what i want. now, while you are at it... walk the other way and jump off a cliff. you are too ugly, stupid, uncreative, undesirable and unlikable. you really do not deserve to exist!

nine things about yourself:

9. i hate ppl who stick to me like leeches. i am someone who enjoys her own private place and solitude. i don't smoke up alone cuz i don't have anyone to smoke up with... i smoke up alone cuz i like it that way. so please, stop intruding!

8. i LOVE shah rukh khan. madly. really.

7. i met joe satriani when he was in kolkata. the autograph that he signed for "solo" is with arunava. i have no qualms or regrets abour giving it to him. i know he respects it more than i ever could.

6. i love cats... to the verge of madness. i feel like i'm the mother of all stray hungry cats. i feel immense affection and love for them. i also go loco about stray dogs. have spent a lot of money feeding them! on the same stream of thought, i, someday plan to open an animal care center for street animals. i cannot tolerate their plight... :(

5. i switch off during conversations that don't appeal to me. and when asked whether i've switched off or not, i inevitably deny it!!

4. i love dope. and i hate people who ask me to stop doping! hellooo! i am 21, i know what moderation is..i'm not a junkie you know..

3. i have an invisible best friend, blue. he owns an ice cream factory.

2. i often think about killing people i hate painfully, very very painfully.

1. i am madly in love with varun :P

eight ways to win your heart:

8. mush filled letters, e-mails or sms', even if its a line... make me smile.

7. love animals. be kind to them.

6. tell me i look pretty even when i wake up in the morning with a fever, puffy eyes and a drool lines on my chin!! :P

5. humour, wit and intelligence. and a dash of chivalry and pride.

4. let me be. don't probe. if i cry, comfort me, if i laugh, join in.. just be there if i ask you to.

3. do not keep telling me over and over and over again. i heard you the first time. whatever you are telling me, was in the past... so don't nag. i'm trying to move on, you should join me...

2. respect my freedom. i haven't been born to be kept locked away in your show case.

1. pamper me. i'm really a 5 yr old mentally!

seven things that cross your mind a lot:

7. i'm broke!!

6. how the fuck will i get enough money to launch the magazine!

5. is varun alright, has he eaten, taken his medicines, is he smoking up, *beeeeep* ... that bastard!

4. i am so fat! how the hell do i lose this flab?

3. where's toothpick now?

2. um um um um ummmmm... i think i shall smoke now!

1. oooh food! goodie!

six things you wish you never did:

6. known sooo many people. i am an awful judge of character and very easily suckered if you are ready with instant tears!

5. come back from mumbai.

4. hurt varun... i hate it when he's hurt... especially by me...

3. been such an awful daughter. my parents deserve better!

2. held back words when i really wanted to blast the hell out of some deserving entity.

1. held back, when i really wanted to say "i care..."

five turn-offs:

5. wannabes, who are very blatantly wannabes!

4. whiners. god, i despise people whining without doing anything to improve the situation they are in.

3. freeloaders. its ok not to spend the way varun does, or i do. but seriously, theres a limit! especially when you have invited yourself over to a party!

2. unimaginative souls! go die!

1. body odour. does do exist. and they aren't terribly expensive either!

four turn-ons:

4. lips. i love full mouths. incredibly sexy. especially when they have a hint of a smile on them...

3. rain. whether i'm outdoors or under house arrest. it doesn't matter... as long as it rains.

2. good alcohol and conversation. nothing beats flirting... (yes varun, take a hint!!! :P)

1. comfort

three things you want to do before you die:

3. marry varun and have LOADS of babies with him! :P

2. launch my own magazine and earn LOTS LOTS LOTS!

1. go backpacking around places filming a funny documentary

two smileys that describe you:

2. :P (my favourie)

1. :|

one confession:

i cried after watching shrek II. and varun thought i was a retard!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

two plus two!

the blog where i chanced upon this tag said that i'd have five years of bad luck if i don't do this!! so i am happily givin in!!!
and everyone who lays eyes on this, is supposed to do this too...otherwise, nightmares about five years of bad luck shall follow you!!!

Two Names You Go By:
1. sreejita
2. solo

2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. plaster on foot
2. clothes! :P

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. love
2. support

Two of Your Favourite Things to do:
1. reading
2. listening to music

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. ice cream
2. lots of moey to launch magazine

Two pets you had/have:
1. cat(s)
2. dog(s)
i've also had fish, birds, rats n insects...very unfair question this be!

Two things you did last night:
1. tried studyin
2. finished downloading man on the moon! (yayy!!)

Two things you ate today:
1. chocolate chip cookies
2. peanut butter

Two people you Last Talked To over the phone:
1. varun
2. supriya di

Two Things You're doing today:
1. doing tags and beautifying TLOG!!!
2. watching south park

Two favourite beverages:
1. milk based
2. alcohol based

learnin alphabets, all over again!!! :P

this was the most arbit tag i've been asked to do, the outcome was also equally arbit!! thanks riya for dagging me! you be sweetheart!

ACCEPT nothing without a fight!
B BREAK walls and communicate
C CREATE a world to hide, in your head when all is bleak.
D DECIDE on keeping options never know where you'll need to turn!
E EXPLORE nooks and crannies of your mind and realise the evil genius that lurks in them.
F FORGIVE but never, ever forget.
G GROW wings and fly, away from the damned monotony of life.
H HOPE don't let them grow too high, for the lack of sanity
I IGNORE those who deserve to be ignore.
J JOURNEY through life and learn, from all, experiences, people, animals...
K KNOW thyself and thy enemy. it is with knowledge that you can overcome.
L LOVE yourself first. unless you do, you shall never be able to love others with a wild abandon!
M MANAGE to live a life free of fuckwits. male, female, friend, sort of lover, they might be fun, but dumping them assures you one lessheartbreak!
N NOTICE little things done by people who care, the world will be brighter already.
O OPEN your eyes, see what's eating your peace.
P PLAY with everything, but hearts.
Q QUESTION those yourself, no better way to learn and cope...
R RELAX take it easy! you deserve to!
S SHARE happiness and tears...
T TRY...just try!
U USE you brains for heaven's sake! they haven't been given to you for nothin!
V VALUE love.
W WORK and enjoy it, you automatically succeed better if you enjoy yourself!
X X-RAY your bones when they make sick cracking sounds!
Y YIELD when you know you can't fight nomore
Z ZOOM into an ant's life, you'll automatically feel better!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1. is that your natural hair color? has always been..and will be till u see its henna red :D

2. where was your default pic taken?

umm.. in d JU alumni room...last year by my dad's old frnd i think..

3. What's your middle name?

don't have one...can't make up one..nothing sounds good

4. Your current relationship status?

committed :D

5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

ummm...i once dreamt david beckham proposed to me ( he did like me there :D) but am not sure if i had such a dream about decaprio.

6. What is your current mood?

happy (dat we finally have this blog )

7. What/who do you love most?

"what" would be any and every possesion of mine i take a fancy to...i am very selfish about worldly things.."who" would be diptarko.

8. What makes you happy?

this blog, biriyani (yummmmm :D), and whenever i have my way...

9. Are you musically inclined?

well yes i am..can sing though never learnt to play the guitar.

10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?

i would make sure i carried an umbrella in the sun for all those years i didnt :P

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?

an eagle... any bird will do actually...want to fly for once..with my own wings

12. Ever have a near death experience?

nope not yet..i did dream about falling from a roof..but i felt i was flying..wasnt scary..

13. Something you do a lot?

be lethargic..nowadays dats all i do :P

14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

"all i've been doing" by westlife...listening to it cant think of anything else

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?

from the last post (teehee)

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you?

enrique iglesias !

17. When was the last time you cried?

ummm..don't remember...oh ya..this morning i cried "mooooooooom.." as usual

18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? doing it.

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

i would wanna be witch..hogwarts style...

20. What's the first thing(s) you notice about the OPPOSITE (OR SAME!) sex?

looks and how he talks.

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?


22. Whats your biggest secret?

ummm...wud it be a big secret if i were to divulge it here in a blog of all places ..? ahem..stupid question u asked really.

23. What's your favorite color?
black, blue, golden and dark red.

24. When was the last time you lied?
umm...pretty recently i think..don't remember all my white lies.

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

yupppp...i watch more of them compared to the rest i think.

26. Do you have braces?


27. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

i would love to get rid of my tan.

29. Do you speak any other language?

bangla, bits of hindi, nad bits and pieces of certain languages i picked up from pals...and babytalk.

30. What's your favorite smell?

polished wood, petrol, aftershave, biriyani, a scent called avert avert - elope dad got me from Romania( in fact the last tag i did had d same question) :D

so.. DONE !

q n a

1. is that your natural hair color?


2. where was your default pic taken?

on park street, by trina

3. What's your middle name?

i dun have one

4. Your current relationship status?


5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

i don't really think tom cruise knows me...

6. What is your current mood?

mad, like crazy mad...not angry mad!

7. What/who do you love most?

music, books, cats, dogs, friends, family, varun...sums it up i think

8. What makes you happy?

a lot of things, currently, biriyani!

9. Are you musically inclined?

i know i am

10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?

nothing, good or bad, everything's taught me a lesson!

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?

i am already a cat!

12. Ever have a near death experience?

yes, last december. due to overconsumption of crocin, body temperature went down to 93 degrees and i passed out for a considerablle time!

13. Something you do a lot?

talk, surf the net, do tags, read books n tarot cards...

14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

"no more i love you's" by annie lennox

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?

random note on facebook!

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you?

david hasselhoff

17. When was the last time you cried?


18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

yes! of course i have...and i miss those days!

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

ability to fly and control water and fire! :P

20. What's the first thing(s) you notice about the OPPOSITE (OR SAME!) sex?

clothes, eyes

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?

u dun have no starbucks in kolkata!

22. Whats your biggest secret?

i have an invisible best friend named blue and he owns an ice cream parlour.
i am also the evil queen of cats who plans to take over the world and make ice-cream everyone's staple diet... u wanna know more?

23. What's your favorite color? Red, blue, black and white

24. When was the last time you lied? Last week when i had returned home really really late and had to create a bag full of stories

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

ya ha! i looove cartoon network and toon disney!

26. Do you have braces?

yes i did! :P

27. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

nothing! i am the epitome of perfection!

29. Do you speak any other language?

bengali, hindi and some that i make up now and then with blue!

30. What's your favorite smell?

moghlai eateries, coffee shops, wet earth, varun, mom's cooking, thakumas hands...